The Bulgarian Construction Chamber

The Bulgarian Construction Chamber (BCC) is a legal person, established on the grounds of the Chamber of Builders Act. BCC is an independent, voluntary professional association and an official representative of Bulgarian construction companies with more than 2900 member-companies, including manufacturers of construction materials, non-governmental organizations, educational institutions, etc.
On a local and international level, the Chamber represents the construction industry. BCC belongs to the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria (CEIB), the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), the Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA), the European Construction Industry Federation (FIEC), the European International Contractors (EIC), Build Europe, the Confederation of International Contractors’ Associations (CICA) and other organizations.
The identification and transparency of construction sector players is one of the BCC’s main strategic objectives. To that end, the organization maintains a Central Professional
Register of Builders (CPRC), into which all legal entities (Bulgarian and foreign) performing construction activities on the country’s territory are required to enter. After meeting certain criteria for their particular construction category, more than 6000 companies have registered in the CPRS.
The essential functions of the organization include:
- Policymaking, developing strategies, analyses and programs for the development of the construction ecosystem and contributing to their implementation;
- Envisioning and participating in the elaboration of amendments to legislative acts related to the spatial planning, design, development and investment process;
- Setting up programs for professional training and retraining for sector specialists, as well as organizing and carrying out vocational qualification trainings through BCC’s subsidiary “Construction Qualification EAD”;
Monitoring the trends in the construction industry in the country and abroad, as well as
- promoting the implementation of new technologies and materials;
- Involvement in the development and implementation of regional, national and international projects.
Substantial priority in the Bulgarian Construction Chamber’s policy is to enhance the competitiveness of construction companies and the quality of construction products by introducing innovative and state-of-the-art solutions, with an emphasis on digitization and digital transformation of the Bulgarian construction sector.